Do you know that the steaming mobile phone industry in India is just 15 years old and is considered to be the most rapidly growing industry in the world?
India is considered to be second largest telecom market in the world with 600+ million mobile subscribers and with the coming up of technologies like 3g and wimax it has further created a huge leap to this industry.
It is predicted that the employment growth level with this industry increases by 7% every year. The biggest achievement attributed by this industry is the increased competition level giving its way to the new players into this market opening further new opportunities.
This booming industry has employed both skilled and un-skilled manpower and a great number of people especially the youth who are employed in most mobile phone sale outlets, earning their livelihood. Even for the handicapped, the special mobile outlets or points have become a major source of earning. Apart from the direct employment many people engage themselves doing self-reliant business through mobile phones. one of such business is making calls, sale of recharge cards and repair of mobile phone etc. even the sale of cell phones and cell phone accessories have become a big business.
As more and more new technologies hits up this industry every minute enforced by a high competition, need for highly qualified manufacturers, erudite professionals, engineers, skilled labour automatically pops in and will always be in demand.
Now a days, every big industry is backed by a call –centres support, which employees millions with even a minimum qualification level. The government has also set up the call-centres supporting the farmers in the rural areas, helping them with new agricultural techniques and also a call centre supporting fishermen with the current prices and updates. Even many young students choose the call-centre profiles as their part time jobs. The mobile industry offers an ever-expanding illustrious career in its various branches and departments.
With the growth of the mobile industry people are being more inclined toward professional degrees and short term diploma courses to build a career in this field. it is estimated that 55% manpower employed in this industry are engaged in large establishments like office and administrative support occupation while others are related to installation ,maintenance and repair.
Mobile phone industry has a connection, rapport and concern with almost every sector. So we can say that as far as communication stays in this planet the mobile phone industry would always be in its boom.
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